Tracking COVID-19

Original Site

Mapping COVID-19 data in all places with confirmed cases, deaths, and cured cases in real-time, the mobile-first tracker was created in late January 2020. I designed and developed the launch version. Later I led a team of nine, including reporters, developers, and designers to iterate the page multiple times in the following year.

In March, the global map was added. Meanwhile, we kept iterating the tracker in responding to different phases of the pandemic. After several iterations, the tracker includes cases data by countries and territories, government bulletins, demographic cases, and outbreak timelines.

For almost a year, I worked with reporters to collect, clean, and re-structure the data of COVID-19 cases in China from three-level government websites. As part of the project, we also shared the data behind the story with the public. The COVID-19 database is reliable and accurate that has been widely used by academic and business organizations.

Web Developing | Web Design | Echarts | Jquery

In order to coordinate the project, I made a mind map to organize the functions, data structures, and user interface at the begining.