Authentic Food in NYC

Live Here (Feb 2023 - May 2023)

I have been asked a lot of times, Shuyao, do you know any authentic Chinese restaurants? Can you recommend some? Every time I was asked, I felt it was hard to answer. So I collected and analyzed the reviews of over 29,000 NYC restaurants from to find what others say. In 3.5 million reviews, what does food authenticity mean, and what makes them think so? Most importantly, where to find authentic food in NYC?

This is a capstone project undertaken at Parsons School of Design. Python and SQL are used for data scraping, cleaning, and analysis. Figma is employed for wireframes and web design, while D3.js and MapboxGl are primarily used for interactive features. Click here to see the code in my GitHub.

d3.js | Mapbox | Wed developing | TF-IDF